Vizio TV Won't Turn Off: How To Fix [2023]

Power issues have always been a bane to the very existence of TVs. And the most recent victim of one such issue - TV won't turn off - is Vizio.

Vizio has earned itself a reputation for putting out remarkable TVs at a price tag far less than its actual worth.

And this very reputation has led some users to perceive that Vizio must be skimming on quality to make up for the price.

Even if this notion is one of the many superstitions surrounding this industry, issues like Vizio TV not turning off do scar Vizio's reputation as a reliable TV manufacturer.

If your Vizio TV won't turn off, check the batteries on your Vizio Remote and refresh it. As the next step, check the power supply and power cycle the Vizio TV as well. Update the firmware version of the TV could also help. If none of these work, factory reset the Vizio TV.

Here's a more comprehensive guide on how to fix a Vizio TV that won't turn off.

Vizio TV

Check for Issues with the Vizio Remote

Aside from the internal issues with the device, the blame for Vizio TVs not turning OFF can fall on the remotes.

Even if it can be programmed as a universal remote, Vizio Remotes are in no way immune to common issues that could affect a normal TV remote.

Drained-out batteries, broken hardware, sensor failures, and obstruction of Line Of Sight, can all impact the working of the Vizio remote.

Vizio TV Remote

When met with the issue at hand, after refreshing the TV and checking for power issues, try checking the condition of the Vizio remote.

Start by checking the status of the batteries. Vizio remotes rely on infrared signals to communicate with the TV, and usually, a set of batteries can run for a long time.

But if you make use of SmartCast features quite frequently on the Remote, you will run out of battery power quite quickly.

On the off chance that the batteries did run out of juice, replace them with a fresh set.

Now, run a power cycle test on the Remote:

  1. Remove the batteries and leave the Remote alone for a few seconds.
  2. Press and hold the power button for a few seconds. Repeat this step a couple of times.
  3. Reinstall the batteries and check for the issue now.

Hardware damage can also make the Remote oblivious to your commands. Hard falls, unintentional chaffs, etc., can all damage the most crucial component of the Remote - the infrared sensor.

If you did get the sensor damaged due to some uncalled-for circumstances, getting a replacement Remote may be your only choice for fixing this issue.

Albeit, there's one other fix to resolve a broken Remote. Let's check it out, shall we?

Use SmartCast Mobile App as a Replacement

 Use SmartCast Mobile App

Vizio has provided its user base with the option of siding with the SmartCast Mobile app when the Vizio Remote goes wayward on you.

To use the app as your remote, follow these steps:

1. First, install the Vizio SmartCast app on your smart device.

2. Open the app. Proceed to create an account. You can also log in as a Guest through the 'Sign In as Guest' option towards the bottom.

3. Tap on the Select Device option towards the top.

4. Choose your Vizio TV from the list.

If you can't find your TV on the list, follow these steps:

1. Select the Add Device option from the bottom.

2. You can find your Vizio TV on the next screen if you've set it up with your network.

3. If not, tap on the Set New Device option and follow the onscreen prompts.

Check the Power Supply and Power Cycle Vizio TV

Power can prove to be a discerning factor for most issues on a Vizio TV, Vizio TV restarting at random and Vizio TV turning off after 3 seconds being prime examples.

Similarly, issues with the supplied power to the TV can thwart most rudimentary operations like turning off the TV.

Vizio TV power cable

And so, when met with issues with turning ON and OFF the TV, first, check for crooks, kinks, tears, and signs of corrosion on the supplied power cable and the power ports.

Replace the worn-out power cable with a healthy new one and check for the issue now.

One other thing to take into consideration while talking about power cables is the credibility of the manufacturer.

Always side with the manufacturer-supplied (Vizio) accessories and steer away from third-party ones.

If you still want to have a third-party accessory, better side with accessories from a reputed manufacturer. Vizio-certified accessories should work well nonetheless.

You may also try switching the power outlets to which the power supply is connected. Issues with internal leads, blown-up fuses/surge protectors, etc., can all ruin the power supply to your TV.

You can check the output power of the outlet by using a multimeter/voltmeter, but switching the connection to another outlet is much more convenient.

Here's a video troubleshooting guide from us that'll help you if your vizio TV won't turn off,

Vizio TV won't turn off-Troubleshooting Guide

Cable and coaxial inputs should also be checked in a similar fashion. Failing to do so can lead to the infamous channel missing issue on Vizio TVs.

Power Cycle Vizio TV

Next, let's refresh Vizio TV!

Apart from issues stemming from an improper power supply, Vizio TVs can also start acting up due to overcharged internal memory.

In other words, the TV starts bugging out once a lot of static charges have piled up inside the system.

And the best method to bleed the TV internals of such residual charges is to perform a power cycle test. Here's how to do so:

Vizio TV unplugged
  1. Start the process by unplugging the TV from power. Now, leave it idle for a few seconds.
  2. Then, press and hold the power button for a couple of seconds. Doing so will deplete the charges from the system. Perform this step a couple of times.
  3. Plug back in the power supply and check for the issue now.

Check for Updates on Vizio TV

Vizio TV check for updates tile

Bugs and errors associated with malicious files can also hinder the optimal working of your Vizio TV.

And one plausible way for bugs to make their way into your system is through outdated firmware versions.

Out-of-date firmware versions not only jeopardize the security of the Vizio TV but also loosens up its guard against the many bugs and stale files waiting to penetrate the system.

Hence, comes the pertinence of updates.

Updates strengthen the security of your Vizio TV and eradicate any and all resident bugs and errors on your device.

It's recommended to check and update your Vizio TV often to avoid any such discrepancies, like the one at hand.

To update your Vizio TV, follow these steps:

1. Open the Menu tab on your TV by pressing the Menu button.

2. Navigate to the System option.

3. Select Check for Updates to check and update the firmware.

Restart the TV and check for the issue now.

Factory Reset Vizio TV

If none of these tips seems to get rid of the issue, as a last-ditch effort, factory reset the TV. Factory resetting also happens to be an effective fix against the Vizio TV freezing at random issue.

Factory resetting your Vizio TV will revert all the system preferences to their factory defaults and wipe out all other residual files, including the erroneous ones.

Performing a reset will also irrevocably reset all your personal preferences. This includes custom TV Settings, Schedules, SmartCast configs, etc.

Nonetheless, a factory reset is the ultimate fix for most issues on a Vizio TV.

To hard reset a Vizio TV, follow these instructions:

1. Open the Menu tab, and click open the System option.

Vizio TV Reset to factory Settings

2. Select Reset TV to Factory Settings. Enter the Parental control code if prompted. (Default code is 0000)

Vizio TV reset tile

5. Press Reset TV to initiate the reset.

Wait for the reset to complete. Reconfigure the TV once more and check for the issue now.

You could also reset your Vizio TV by pressing and holding the dedicated Reset Button until the TV turns OFF and back ON again.

If you can't find a reset button on your Vizio TV, the Power button itself will act as the Reset button.

On newer Vizio models (SmartCast TVs), you can perform a factory reset by following these instructs on the TV:

  1. Press and hold the Volume Down and Input button together for about 10 seconds.
  2. A pop-up message will appear on the TV informing you to press and hold the Input button alone.
  3. Press and hold the Input button to initiate the reset.

Final Thoughts

Hardware damage to the Vizio TV may also render the device unresponsive to user commands.

Damage to the system internals and receiver modules are some of the noted culprits of this issue.

If that's the case, better get your Vizio TV inspected by a qualified professional. Best if you don't take the matter into your own hands.

Contact the customer services of Vizio for any further assistance on this issue.

Finally, if none of these fixes mentioned here seems to take effect, avail warranty and RMA on your TV.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do I manually turn off my Vizio TV?

To turn OFF your Vizio TV without using the Vizio Remote or the SmartCast Mobile app, press the Power Button once, located towards the back of the TV (side on some models).

Why is Vizio TV talking?

Vizio TVs feature a talk-back function that forces the TV to speak back every single operation you highlight with the remote. This feature may be annoying for most users. To turn OFF this feature, follow these steps:

1. Open the Menu tab and navigate to the Accessibility option.

2. Toggle OFF the Talk-back option.

What is Vizio ECO mode?

ECO mode makes your Vizio TV operate more efficiently by regulating power consumption. This mode does compromise performance for better energy consumption. All Vizio TVs are set to ECO mode by default.

To disable ECO mode on your TV, follow these steps:

1. Open the Menu tab and click open the System tab.

2. Select Power Mode.

3. Turn OFF ECO mode.

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Hey! I'm Doug, My passion for tech started by fixing phones and computers for my friends and family.

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Doug Stevenson

Hey! I'm Doug, My passion for tech started by fixing phones and computers for my friends and family.

I started Blinqblinq to give reliable tech advice to anyone who needs it, for free! If you have questions on anything tech-related, feel free to contact me.

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