Vizio TV Flickering Screen: How To Fix [2023]

Flickering screens and weird lines on modern TVs are nothing new to marvel at. But fixing them up can take a toll on you, even with TVs from reputed brands like Vizio.

Vizio TVs have dominated my living space for quite some time, and I enjoy their overall appeal, not to mention their unique Smart features.

And that's why I had to jump into action as soon as one of my Vizio SmartCast TVs started flickering with unusual static and lines. Here's what I found in the process:

If your Vizio TV screen is flickering, check and opt for a better HDMI cable (preferably 2.0+) and reboot the TV. Turning OFF advanced TV settings such as Ambient Lighting, Backlight Control,
and Advanced Adaptive Luma will also help. If none of these work, factory reset the TV.

In this guide, I will explain in detail the different troubleshooting steps so that you can fix your Vizio TV that has a flickering screen.

Vizio TV

Check the Cables on Vizio TV

Vizio TV cables

Power forms the crust of operations on electronic gadgets. The same can be said in the case of TVs, may it be Smart or conventional.

Although in the case of TVs, a few other cables also play a crucial role, specifically the input video cables.

And so, if your Vizio TV flickers with creepy static lines, check the status of the cables connected to it.

Precarious connections and dangling cables can make the video transmission sketchy. Hence rendering the display flickering.

Physical damage is another detrimental indicator of a failing transmission source, a.k.a cables. Run a thorough check for wear and tear, crooks, kinks, and rusty ports/terminals.

If you notice any such abnormalities on the cable or the port, replace the damaged goods with new ones, preferably proprietary accessories.

Lastly, try unplugging all the cables and reseating them properly. Now check for the issue.

Although, there's this one other parameter associated with cables and inputs on Vizio TVs. And that's HDMI:

Check the HDMI Cable

HDMI cable

Using an inferior HDMI cable may be one of the prime reasons for Vizio TVs to flicker black screens.

Vizio TVs, the modern ones at least, demand an HDMI 2.0 cable for video stream transmission.

Using an inferior cable will render the transmission erroneous.

And so, when met with flickering issues on Vizio TV, check and replace the HDMI cable with a compatible one. Also, try different HDMI ports and switch the input appropriately.

The newer HDMI 2.1 cables also work well with Vizio TVs.

Another thing to keep in mind is to side with good-quality HDMI cables. Braided cables with good insulation will do. Also, keep in mind the length of the HDMI cable. Ideally, shoot for 5 meters or less.

Check the Power Supply on Vizio TV

Vizio TV power cable

Next up, check and ensure the power supply is doing fine on your Vizio TV.

Improper power supply or inadequacy of the same can cause flickers on Vizio TV.

Sometimes, the flickers may not be as rampant as one would expect. Sometimes, the flickers can be sporadic, or the Vizio TV may be flickering in one spot.

All such abnormalities can be partially attributed to an inadequate power supply.

And so, best check the power supply and the outlet and ensure optimal power is being supplied to the TV.

Use a multimeter to check the output of the outlet. If you find a variation in the readings, switch the Power output to another outlet.

You may also want to swap the power adapter for a new one to power the TV. Check if this fixes the issue.

Power Cycle the Vizio TV

One of the most effective yet simple-to-implement fixes for flickering issues on your Vizio TV is to reboot it.

Even if your Vizio TV switches inputs and force boots you into the SmartCast interface, it's better to stick with the good-old manual method.

Power Cycling may be your best bet under such circumstances. Coincidently, power cycling the TV happens to be one of the best fixes for resolving Vizio TV freezing at random.

The fancy phrasing aside, power cycling your Vizio TV is, by all means, rebooting it the usual way - by unplugging the power supply. Of course, there is an added element that comes with the process.

Here's how it goes:

Vizio TV unplugged

1. Unplug the power supply from the Vizio TV and leave it idle for a few seconds.

2. Press and hold the Power button for a couple of seconds. Repeat this step a few times.

3. Plug back in the power supply.

Power ON the TV after 10 seconds or so of plugging in the power supply. Check for the issue now.

To power cycle the Vizio TV through the interface, go to Menu> System> Reset & Admin> Soft Power Cycle.

Check and Disable Advanced Picture Settings on Vizio TV

Vizio TV advanced Picture tab(1)

Being a Smart TV, Vizio TVs, especially the SmartCast models, share quite some unique video enhancement features seldom seen on traditional television.

And with these added advantages comes the risk of video transmission issues, either through your actions or otherwise.

Vizio TV flickering black screens or simply flickering static can arise from appropriating such artificial features.

Hence, it is only imperative to check and disable such features if you have been using them on your Vizio TV.

Some of the features pertaining to the flickering issue on Vizio TV are:

  1. Ambient Lighting
  2. Backlight
  3. Advanced Adaptive Luma

Advanced Adaptive Luma is an exclusive feature available only on Vizio SmartCast TVs. With this feature, you can automatically adjust the dynamic contrast of the picture output for a more realistic experience.

You can check whether your Vizio TV supports SmartCast through the System Information tab. Here's how to access them on your Vizio TV:

1. Press the Menu button on the Vizio Remote.

2. Navigate down to the Picture tile.

3. Switch the Picture Mode to Custom.

Vizio TV Backlight adjustment

4. Scroll down to the Backlight tile. Then adjust the slider and see if this works.

Vizio TV advanced Picture tile

5. Scroll down and open the Advanced Picture tile.

6. Toggle OFF the Ambient Light Sensor and Advanced Adaptive Luma.

Reboot the TV and check for the issue now.

Update Vizio TV

Issues (such as the one at hand) can also manifest in your Vizio TV due to outdated firmware.

Updates keep the system up to date with all the necessary security patches and features required to stay current with the newer threats taking form by the second on the internet.

If you miss out on firmware updates ever so frequently, your TV is doomed for trouble.

And so, when met with issues of such severe intensity, best check and update the firmware.

Follow these steps to check and update a Vizio TV:

1. Open the Menu tab and scroll down to the System tile.

2. Click on Check for Updates to run a check for updates.

Vizio TV check for updates tile

Complete any outstanding updates and reboot the TV. Check for the issue now.

Vizio TV Flickering Horizontal Lines

Vizio TV Flickering Horizontal Lines

Apart from the usual flickering patterns exhibited by TVs, under certain unusual circumstances, televisions can flicker bizarre horizontal lines like seen with older CRT TVs.

Why such a phenomenon may be a bit puzzling to comprehend.

Damaged cable transmission, Tuner issues, a failing T-Con board, or in severe cases, a broken backlight panel, etc., can be pointed out as the culprits.

But the chances of a damaged Backlight panel may be slim since once the backlight panel starts to deteriorate, almost nothing becomes visible on screen.

A broken backlight panel is the leading reason for black screens on Vizio TV.

Since we have taken care of the cable situation on Vizio TV earlier, let's talk about the rest.

T-CON boards control the power supply along with most operations of the device. If it has gone bad (a blown fuse is a good example), the TV will start to host issues.

Fixing them may be a bit above our area of expertise.

Tuner issues are common on TVs. Usually, a simple refresh, or in the case of Smart devices, resetting them should do the trick.

With that said, let's look at resetting the TV next:

Factory Reset Vizio TV

Factory resetting your Vizio TV will inevitably revert the system to its factory defaults.

Doing so will result in all user-defined settings, saved data, apps, and other info being removed once and for all.

Gone are the many bugs, errors, and other inconsistencies that have the proclivity to cause trouble.

And so, without any further ado, let's get on with resetting the Vizio TV:

1. Open the Menu tab and scroll down to the System tile.

Vizio TV factory reset todefaults

2. Scroll and select Reset TV to Factory Settings and choose Reset TV.

Vizio TV reset tile

3. You may have to enter the parental control code; default: 000.

4. Click on OK to confirm.

Wait for the TV to reset. Reconfigure the TV to your liking. Check for the issue now.

On Vizio SmartCast TVs, you can also reset the TV using the onboard buttons. However, Vizio TVs do not come with a reset button.

Press and hold the Volume Up and Input button together for about 15 seconds. Then, as per the prompt onscreen, press and hold the Input Button for 10 seconds to kick start the reset procedure.

Final Thoughts

And there you have it, a comprehensive guide on how to fix flickering issues on your Vizio TV.

As I mentioned above, fixing internal circuit issues may demand a professional hand rather than our own.

It might be prudent to enlist an authorized professional to tackle such matters.

You can also contact the customer services of Vizio for any further assistance.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is Vizio black screen of death?

The black screen of death on a Vizio TV is an abnormality by which the TV screen turns black to stop displaying video. The most obvious culprit causing this issue is a broken backlight panel. Power supply issues resulting from a failing T-CON board can also be attributed as a major contributor.

How much does it cost to fix a VIZIO TV?

Fixing up issues on a modern TV will depend, as always, on the nature of the issue. As per the consensus, it might cost you anywhere between $100 to $600, maybe $700, to fix issues with Vizio TV.

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About Doug Stevenson

Hey! I'm Doug, My passion for tech started by fixing phones and computers for my friends and family.

I started Blinqblinq to give reliable tech advice to anyone who needs it, for free! If you have questions on anything tech-related, feel free to contact me.

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Doug Stevenson

Hey! I'm Doug, My passion for tech started by fixing phones and computers for my friends and family.

I started Blinqblinq to give reliable tech advice to anyone who needs it, for free! If you have questions on anything tech-related, feel free to contact me.

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