Blink Camera Not Connecting to WiFi: How to Fix [2023]

My Blink camera was working like a champ until one fine day it suddenly stopped connecting to my WiFi network.

This initially got me anxious as I had set it up as a security camera in one of my rooms.

So I started skimming through all Blink forums and related chat groups to find a solution, only to realize that this issue was more widespread than I initially thought.

This got me to write this in-depth troubleshooting guide on how you can fix your Blink camera not connecting to your WiFi.

If your Blink camera is not connecting to WiFi, check the internet connection and make sure the sync module is positioned as close to the router and Blink camera as possible. Power cycle both the Blink camera and router. If these don't work, use Blink's recommended troubleshooting app RouteThis for further help.

ScenarioCauses and Fixes
Blink Cam not detecting a networkEnsure to connect only to the 2.4 GHz band; check for network issues
Sync Module cannot sustain a stable network connectionProximity issue; relocate the Sync Module closer to the Router/Modem
Blink Cam/Sync Module connected to WiFi but no response to commandsSoftware issue; power cycle all the associated devices
Other scenariosUse the 'RouteThis' app to further troubleshoot the issue; contact Blink customer support
Why Blink Cam cannot connect to WiFi

Check Your Internet Connection

Check the Internet Connection

This is the most overlooked aspect when it comes to troubleshooting connection-related issues.

Your WiFi connection is the only communication channel that your Blink camera uses to send and receive information from Blink servers and your Blink app.

If the WiFi gets disconnected, your Blink camera is basically a regular camera as there are no other hardwired backup connections to the internet server.

So make sure that the WiFi connection is solid and working properly.

Check with other devices like your phone or laptop whether the WiFi is connecting properly.

Once the WiFi is connected, make sure the connection is solid. Check if your internet speed is fast enough.

If you face issues with any of the above-mentioned checks, contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP).

Here's a walkthrough video from us that can help you troubleshoot your blink wifi issues,

Blink camera not connecting to WiFi

Do note that Blink cameras only connect to a 2.4 GHz WiFi band and not a 5 GHz band. So be sure to connect Blink Cams and Sync Modules only to the 2.4 GHz band.

How to Change the Network on Blink

If you do feel the need to change the network or test for issues with the device by switching to a temporary setup like a mobile hotspot, here's how to do so:

Most Blink Devices connect to the network via a Sync Module. So, to change the network of your Cam, simply change the network on the Sync Module.

1. Open the Blink app and navigate to the Sync Module tile.

2. Select Change WiFi Network.


3. Ensure the Sync Module is blinking Blue and solid Green. Hit Discover Device.

4. Select Join and choose your preferred Network.

Enter the login password and you're set.

With a standalone device like the Blink Mini, to change the network, navigate to Device Settings> General Settings> Change WiFi> Discover device> Join> and choose the network.

Check the Sync Module

Check the Sync Module

The Sync module of your Blink camera facilitates the WiFi connection and relays commands and information to the system.

If the sync module is facing issues, then this can trigger various other issues such as the WiFi not connecting and whatnot.

Make sure the sync module is properly connected and turned on.

If possible, try to keep the distance between the Sync module and your WiFi Router as little as possible for the best results.

Furthermore, make sure to mount the Sync module in close proximity to the Blink camera to seamlessly connect with the device.

In short, it is a case of trial and error when it comes to connecting your WiFi to your Blink Camera, especially if the router is a bit far from your camera hardware.

Power Cycle the Blink Camera and Internet Router

The Blink Camera, its Sync Module, and your Internet Router are intended to form a virtual system that performs thousands of minor operations every day.

This scale of operations is bound to cause some issues down the line, with the most common ones being temporary malfunctions of random internal components.

These temporary malfunctions are primarily triggered due to insufficient charges within those internal components.

This can cause minor inconveniences such as your Blink camera lagging or WiFi connectivity issues.

This is where a power cycle comes into play.

A power cycle or a hardware reboot simply ensures all the internal components are evenly charged by discharging any residual charges from within the system

This also helps in solving a multitude of issues with Blink cameras, including the infamous bug of Blink cameras not detecting motion.

Since your internet router is also a vital part of the virtual system here, it is imperative to power cycle the router for the best results.

To power cycle or hardware reboot your internet router, follow the steps given below:

  • Disconnect the internet router from the wall plug.
Unplug the internet router from its power source.
  • Let the router sit idle for about a minute in its powered-off state.
Let the router sit idle powered off for about a minute.
  • Press the buttons on the router for about 10 seconds to ensure that all the charges within the system are discharged.
  • Connect the internet router back to the wall plug.
Plug the internet router back into its power source.
  • Let the router sit idle for about a minute in its powered-on state.

This hard reboots your internet router and works flawlessly irrespective of the brand and model of the router.

The next step is to power cycle your Blink Camera.

To power cycle or hardware reboot your Blink camera, follow the steps given below:

  • Disconnect the batteries from the Blink camera.
Remove the batteries from the Blink camera.
  • Let the camera sit idle for about a minute in the powered-off state.
Let the camera sit idle powered off for about a minute.
  • Press the buttons on the Blink camera for about 10 seconds to make sure that all charges within the system are discharged.
  • Put the batteries back into the camera. Make sure they are fully charged.
Put the batteries back into the camera. Make sure they are fully charged.
  • Let the camera sit idle for about a minute in its powered-off state.
Let the camera sit idle powered on for about a minute.

This hard reboots your Blink camera safely.

In the case of Blink Cmas that require an active power supply, like the Blink Mini, simply unplug the power adapter and leave it idle for a few seconds before powering it back up.

Use RouteThis to Troubleshoot Further

Use RouteThis to Troubleshoot Further

If all steps mentioned above have failed to solve your connectivity issues with your Blink camera, then the problem might be elsewhere.

In such cases, it is best to check out Blink's recommended method for troubleshooting your Blink camera: RouteThis.

RouteThis is a third-party customer care service that deploys customer support to Blink users, as well as a number of other smart home brands.

Blink has also partnered with RouteThis for Blink users to use the free RouteThis app to test their cameras for any issues.

This service can also help troubleshoot issues such as the infamous Blink Camera thumbnail error popups.

Simply install the app on your supported device from the App Store or Play Store and run the preliminary test on your Blink device.

If you are asked to provide a code during the test, input the following code: BLNK

Final Thoughts

Final Thoughts

If you still face issues even after following all the above steps, it is best to contact Blink support for professional guidance.

I hope my article on how you can fix the issue of your Blink Camera not connecting to your WiFi connection has been a worthwhile read.

Have a good day!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Can Blink cameras connect to public WiFi networks?

Blink cameras can work with a public WiFi network as long as it is a 2.4GHz WiFi signal and has no login portal to bypass through.

Can Blink cameras connect to a WiFi 6 router?

WiFi 6 routers utilize the new WiFi 802.11ax standard, which is not supported on Blink devices.

But Blink devices can still connect and work with the 2.4GHz signal from the WiFi 6 router thanks to the standards being backward compatible.

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About Doug Stevenson

Hey! I'm Doug, My passion for tech started by fixing phones and computers for my friends and family.

I started Blinqblinq to give reliable tech advice to anyone who needs it, for free! If you have questions on anything tech-related, feel free to contact me.

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Doug Stevenson

Hey! I'm Doug, My passion for tech started by fixing phones and computers for my friends and family.

I started Blinqblinq to give reliable tech advice to anyone who needs it, for free! If you have questions on anything tech-related, feel free to contact me.

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