Does Eero Work With AT&T Fiber? We Did the Research

Eero has made considerable leaps in the networking world with ts innovative mesh networking capabilities. But does it work with AT&T Fiber? Let's find out!

The security and reliability that Eero provides are add-ons that further amplify the experience of choosing the Eero Wi-Fi system in addition to range extension, dead zone, and drop-off elimination.

AT&T fiber is an internet service provider with network speeds up to 5 Gbps and no price change after 12 months. And what if we could pair these two giants?

Eero works with AT&T fiber. To set up Eero with AT&T fiber, connect the WAN output from your AT&T modem to the Eero Router or do so wirelessly. Then, you'll have to either invoke bridge mode or set up an IP passthrough for the network to go up.

eero wifi router

Keep reading to learn how to set up your Eero connection with AT&T Fiber.

Do Eero Wi-Fi Units Work With AT&T Fiber Modems?

Do Eero Wi-Fi Units Work With AT&T Fiber Modems?

Eero Wi-Fi units work with AT&T modems, especially, as the Eero mesh routers bring enhanced capabilities like consistent signal strength and network speeds to the AT&T connection.

The mesh technology is unique in its capability to dynamically route network traffic to find the optimal network routes for maintaining speed and reliable network signal.

This process works in real time for all devices connected to the Eero mesh Wi-Fi network.

You can complement the existing modem that AT&T provides with the Eero system to extend range, bring stability and increase security.

A mesh system is best suited for households that are too big for a single router to meet the network range requirement.

How to Set Up Eero With AT&T Fiber

How to Set Up Eero With AT&T

The equipment provided to you along with the AT&T connection is usually a modem/router combined gateway device.

First, connect the WAN output from the AT&T Modem/Router to the Eero Router using a suitable Ethernet cable (CAT6 and above cables preferred).

You can also connect the two services wirelessly. But keep an eye out for Double NAT.

To use the Eero system with your AT&T connection, you have to either invoke bridge mode or set up an IP passthrough.

AT&T has renamed the U-verse internet to AT&T internet. For all purposes of this article, AT&T internet will refer to U-verse internet to avoid confusion.

Disabling AT&T Wi-Fi Network

Although this step is not required, it is best to disable the Wi-Fi network of your provided modem/router combo device.

If not disabled, this Wi-Fi network could conflict with the Eero Wi-Fi network and impair its functionality.

The default device comes with both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz networks which could further amplify complications.

This step should only be done if you have an AT&T connection without a TV. If you are unsure about your current setup, contact AT&T before you change any settings.

To disable the AT&T Wi-Fi network, follow these steps.

Once the AT&T team has successfully set up the connection, execute the steps below.

  • Open any internet browser.
  • Type in in the URL tab and press 'Enter'.
  • A login page should appear. Enter your username and password to your AT&T account.
  • Navigate to the 'Home' tab and select 'Wireless'.
  • Change 'Wireless Interface' to 'Disabled'.
  • Make sure to click on 'Save' before closing this window to confirm the change in settings you have made so far.

Once you have completed this step, you have two choices to set up your Eero system:

  1. Set up an IP passthrough
  2. Invoke your Eero into bridge mode

1. Setting up an IP Passthrough

Setting up an IP passthrough

This method of setup has more advantages compared to bridging your Eero device. Bridging your Eero will result in the loss of advanced features.

It is generally recommended that you reach out to AT&T support or Eero support to help get this setting configured.

However, if you would like to give it a go on your own, there are instructions below on how to set up an IP passthrough.

A note to remember is that allowing a device in passthrough mode will remove the firewall protection provided by the AT&T gateway.

Also, a device configured in passthrough mode is assigned a WAN IP instead of a LAN IP.

Devices connected to the gateway device may not be able to share files with the devices connected in passthrough mode.

If you have disabled the network from AT&T as advised in the first part above, this conflict should not be a problem.

  1. The first step for an IP passthrough is to identify the equipment you have been provided by AT&T. The two possibilities are the Motorola or 2Wire/Pace device.
  2. Then connect a PC or laptop directly to the provided AT&T gateway device with an ethernet cable and follow the instructions given below.

Instruction for Motorola NVG 510 and 589

There are a total of 3 ways you can pass the DHCP WAN IP address to a device on the LAN.

1. DHCPS-dynamic: Here, the public WAN IP address is delivered by the AT&T-provided Gateway device's DHCP server to the first device that requests a DHCP address on the LAN.

The steps for this process are given below:

  • Open an internet browser on a PC or laptop that is directly connected to the gateway via ethernet cable.
  • In the URL address bar, enter ''.
  • Navigate to the 'Firewall' tab on the Gateway GUI page.
  • Select 'IP Passthrough' under the Firewall tab.
  • If prompted, enter the 'Device Access Code'.
  • From the Allocation Mode drop-down menu, select the 'Passthrough' option.
  • Select 'DHCPS-dynamic' from the Passthrough Mode drop-down.
  • Make sure you click on 'Save'. A reminder message should pop up prompting you to restart the gateway.
  • Select 'Restart Now' to complete the change in settings.
  • Refresh the network connection on the device (Eero) that is to be set up to receive the public IP address. Typically this can be done with a power cycle of the Eero.

Once you have completed these steps, the first device that requests a DHCP request will be put in passthrough mode.

So if you plan to use multiple Eero devices, the DHCPS-fixed method is recommended.

2. DHCPS-fixed: The public WAN IP address is delivered by the device's DHCP server to the Eero device whose MAC address should be specified. So, keep your Eero device MAC address handy.

A note to remember for this method to work, the Eero you intend to put in passthrough mode should be configured to obtain an IP address through DHCP.

The steps for this process are given below:

  • Open an internet browser on a PC or laptop that is directly connected to the Gateway via Ethernet cable.
  • In the URL address bar, enter ''.
  • Navigate to the 'Firewall' tab in the Gateway GUI page.
  • Select 'IP Passthrough' under the 'Firewall' tab.
  • If prompted, enter the 'Device Access Code'.
  • From the Allocation Mode drop-down menu, select the 'Passthrough' option.
  • Select 'DHCPS-fixed' from the Passthrough Mode drop-down.
  • Enter the MAC address of the Eero device that is to be set up to receive the public IP address in the field titled 'Passthrough Fixed MAC Address'.
  • Make sure you click on 'Save'. A reminder message should pop up prompting to restart gateway.
  • Select 'Restart Now' to complete the change in settings.
  • Refresh the network connection on the device (Eero) that is to be set up to receive the public IP address. Typically this can be done with a power cycle of the Eero.

3. Manual: A LAN device can be manually configured with the AT&T-provided device's assigned WAN IP address and gateway information.

For this method, you will have to obtain WAN IP Address, default gateway, and subnet mask by contacting customer care.

Using the DHCP-fixed option is recommended because if AT&T gateway receives a different WAN IP, you will lose connectivity on your Eero device till you manually update its settings.

The steps for this configuration are given below:

  • Open an internet browser on a PC or laptop that is directly connected to the Gateway via an Ethernet cable.
  • In the URL address bar, enter ''.
  • Navigate to the 'Firewall' tab on the Gateway GUI page.
  • Select 'IP Passthrough' under the 'Firewall' tab.
  • If prompted, enter the 'Device Access Code'.
  • From the Allocation Mode drop-down menu, select the 'Passthrough' option.
  • Select 'manual' from the Passthrough Mode drop-down.
  • Make sure you click on 'Save'. A reminder message should pop up prompting you to restart the gateway.
  • Select 'Restart Now' to complete the change in settings.
  • Manually configure your device to use the WAN IP address, default gateway, and Subnet mask provided to you by customer care.

4. Default Server: If your default gateway modem is a Motorola device, you have the option of using it in Default Server mode.

This mode allows for the gateway to forward all externally initiated IP traffic to a specific device on the LAN.

This will also mean that the device configured as the default server will receive the LAN IP instead of being assigned a WAN IP.

The steps for configuring the Default server mode are given below:

  • Open any internet browser on your PC or laptop that is directly connected to the Gateway via an ethernet cable.
  • In the URL address bar, enter ''.
  • Navigate to the 'Firewall' tab on the Gateway GUI page.
  • Select 'IP Passthrough' under the Firewall tab.
  • If prompted, enter the 'Device Access Code'.
  • From the Allocation Mode drop-down menu, select the 'Default Server' option.
  • Enter the IP address of the Eero device to be set as the default server in the Default Server Internal Address field.
  • Click on 'Save' to save the changes to the settings you have made so far. A prompt will remind you to restart the gateway.
  • Select 'Restart Now' to complete the change in settings.

Instructions for 2Wire/Pace Gateways

For 2Wire/Pace gateways, the passthrough mode is called DMZplus mode. It works similarly to previous configurations.

The Eero device that you want to designate as DMZplus should be connected directly to the gateway in order to obtain an IP through DHCP.

The steps for the DMZplus configuration are given below:

  • Open any internet browser on your PC/laptop that is directly connected to the gateway device via an ethernet cable
  • In the URL address bar, enter ''
  • In the Gateway GUI, navigate to 'Settings' > 'Firewall' > 'Applications, Pinholes, and DMZ'
  • Under 'Select a Computer', click the device name or provide the IP address of the Eero device you wish to put in DMZplus mode
  • Select the 'Allow all Applications (DMZplus mode)' radio button
  • Click on 'Save' to save all changes made so far

2. Putting your Eero into Bridge Mode

Putting your Eero into bridge mode

Configuration of bridge mode for your Eero is simple compared to setting up an IP passthrough.

Configuring your Eero in bridge mode will get you all the benefits that Eero mesh provides while continuing to allow AT&T to manage network routing.

However, there are drawbacks to configuring bridge mode on your Eero. It will lead to the loss of advanced features offered by Eero.

Configuration in bridge mode will lead to the loss of the following features:

  • Family Profiles
  • Eero Secure
  • Eero Labs
  • Device bandwidth usage details
  • Device blocking
  • Advanced network settings management through the Eero app
  • Automatic Channel Selection (ACS), which also disables DFS
  • Apple HomeKit

Follow the instruction below to set up your Eero in bridge mode:

Set up your Eero normally via the instructions from the Eero app. Once the setup is complete, do the following steps.

  • Open the Eero app and navigate to 'Settings' located in the bottom right corner
  • Tap on 'Advanced'
  • Tap 'DHCP & NAT'
  • Here, change your selection from 'Automatic' to 'Bridge' 
  • To save changes you have made, tap the 'Save' button in the top right corner

You have successfully set up bridge mode on your Eero device.

Cannot Set Up Eero With AT&T Fiber: How to Fix

There could be multiple conflicts that you could face while setting up your Eero with AT&T fiber modems. However, a few troubleshooting methods can solve most problems.

Disable AT&T Wi-Fi

Disable AT&T Wi-Fi

As mentioned above, you can technically use Wi-Fi broadcast from both the default AT&T gateway device and the Eero device simultaneously.

Most often, the default gateway will have multiple bandwidths (5 GHz and 2.4 GHz). In addition, your Eero will also broadcast a Wi-Fi signal.

This is the perfect recipe for conflicts. Your devices could be connected to any one of the three available Wi-Fi signals.

There are reports of errors in the ability to send files across devices that are connected to different Wi-Fi broadcasts in the same household.

To eliminate this source of conflict, you can disable the Wi-Fi broadcast from the AT&T gateway device. The steps for this process are given above.

Power Cycle the AT&T Modem and Eero Units

eero 6

Power cycling should always be your go-to step to resolve any issues with your network. In some cases, a power cycle is required for the gateway device to release the IP assigned to your Eero.

The steps for power cycling the AT&T modem are given below:

  • Remove the power supply cord from your Gateway/modem.
  • Give the device at least 20 seconds
  • Plug the power cord back in and give the device time to initialize.
  • Your broadband light should turn solid green in a few minutes.

To power cycle your Eero device, do the following steps:

  • Unplug your Eero from the power source
  • Give the device a cool-down period of 2-5 minutes
  • Plug your device back into the power source
  • Let the device initialize. Watch the LED indicators to know when initialization is complete.

If your LED indicators are flashing white, it means the device is still initializing. Once you can see the solid white LED indicator, the Wi-Fi broadcast should initiate.

Router Placement

Where and how you place your Eero routers can have a major impact on the signal strength, range, and stability of your network.

Placing the Eeros in direct line with each other helps with inter-device communication. This eliminates the need for signals to traverse through walls. If your house has thick walls, this is recommended.

By the same logic, placing your Eeros in closed spaces like cabinets is counterproductive to its utility.

Contacting Eero and AT&T support

Contacting Eero and AT&T support

If you are not able to connect to the internet via your Wi-Fi network and you have attempted a power cycle of your gateway, you should contact AT&T support to check if there are outages in your area.

If the issue is not with AT&T, it could be a problem with your Eero. Remove and add the Eero device that you are having trouble with, in the Eero app.

In the event you are unable to resolve your issue, you should contact Eero support. The Eero official website has a customer care section to get in touch with the Eero team.

Final Thoughts

The Eero system brings your internet connection alive and maximizes its capabilities. The difference in range, stability, and connectivity once complimented with Eero is surreal.

The additional features like profiles for members of your family, device-specific usage details, device blocking, and Apple HomeKit integration are some of what Eero brings to the table.

It makes sense to employ a complimentary system like Eero to bring about the actual speed of your internet connection from your ISP.

Have a good day!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Can Eero be hardwired?

Eero comes with two ethernet ports. One is generally used for connection to the ISP gateway or modem. The other port is used to connect to a PC or other devices to get a direct full-capacity network.

What is Eero secure?

Eero secure is an additional subscription-based service launched with second-gen Eero devices. It offers additional security features and parental controls to reduce the risk of viruses or other malware. It costs $2.9 per month or $29 yearly.

Does Eero support Wi-Fi 6?

There are two devices that currently support Wi-Fi 6 from Eero. Eero 6 (dual band) and Eero Pro 6 (tri-band).

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Hey! I'm Doug, My passion for tech started by fixing phones and computers for my friends and family.

I started Blinqblinq to give reliable tech advice to anyone who needs it, for free! If you have questions on anything tech-related, feel free to contact me.

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Doug Stevenson

Hey! I'm Doug, My passion for tech started by fixing phones and computers for my friends and family.

I started Blinqblinq to give reliable tech advice to anyone who needs it, for free! If you have questions on anything tech-related, feel free to contact me.

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