Can I Connect My Google Nest WiFi To My Existing Router?

The Nest WiFi router from Google can be a bit of a downgrade for people like me, whose existing router solution is much better specced than Google's.

Personally, It would be ideal for people like me to just get a Nest Point and then add it to my existing router to extend my WiFi range and hopefully access Google's features.

With this article, I am attempting to tackle just that and give you proper information on how to do so its benefits, and drawbacks associated.

You can connect a Google Nest WiFi Router to an existing router. However, this is not recommended because it basically renders the existing router useless as the network is channeled to devices via the Google Nest WiFi router. This restricts some key features like Parental Control and MAC Address Filtering due to the active bridging mode.

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You Can Buy a Google Nest Point Separately

You Can Buy a Google Nest Point Separately

This can be hard to notice while buying a Google Nest Wifi setup, but the popular packages always come with one Google router along with one or more Nest points.

Listings on popular websites like Amazon only have these package deals, making you believe you can get a Nest WiFi point only as a combo deal.

But Google has silently listed additional Nest points at $149 per pop, and this makes all the difference in the world if you choose to extend your WiFi range.

Here's what you need: Google Nest WiFi Add-On Point.

Here's a video walkthrough from us that explains how to connect a Google Nest WiFi router to an existing non-nest wifi router,

How to Connect Google Nest WiFi to your router

You Can't Use Nest Points Directly With a Router That Isn't Google's or Nest's

You Can't Use Nest Points Directly With a Router That Isn't Google's or Nest's

Google's Nest WiFi points are made to communicate with Google's own Nest WiFi routers, so they cannot be directly connected to your existing WiFi router.

This means that getting a WiFi point just to connect with your non-Google router is not a viable solution.

Unfortunately, I couldn't find any workaround for a direct connection like this.

A way with which you can connect your existing router to Google Nest WiFi Points is by connecting the points to a Google Router that is in turn connected to your router.

This negates the extra speed/specification gains you get out of your existing router rendering it useless as the signal is channeled through the Google Nest Router anyways.

It could also lead to a host of connectivity issues due to the added complexity of the system.

It also can limit some router features such as parental controls and MAC address filtering natively, although these can be fixed on select router models.

But I have explained how to connect your existing router to a Google Nest WiFi point in a later part of this article.

But what you can do to boost the speeds and connectivity is to use a good quality modem for Google Nest WiFi.

A modem and router are usually used synonymous with each other, but there is a slight difference between the two which is an important distinction in this case.

Modem vs Router

Modem vs Router

A modem is a receiver-end device used to bring the internet connection from your ISP to your home, typically by a coaxial cable connection.

A router is a receiver-end device used to bring the internet connection from your modem to your devices, typically via WiFi or ethernet.

Nowadays, ISPs are to blame as they natively provide the modem and router together and this is the reason both are often confused with each other.

Also nowadays, modems and routers sometimes come as a single package confusing consumers even more.

I have made a chart to further explain the core differences between the two:

Connects your ISP to your homeConnects your home to your devices
Incorporates a WAN networkIncorporates a Local Area Network (LAN) network
Public IP addressLocal IP address
Single connection, from ISP to homeMultiple connections, from home to devices

Modem vs Router

Since a modem and router are separate entities most of the time if your modem is a very good one you can just replace your router with the Google Nest Router.

How to Connect Your Existing Router to Your Google Nest WiFi Points

How to Connect Your Existing Router to Your Google Nest WiFi Points


To connect your existing router to your Google Nest WiFi points, there are some prerequisites you need to check first:

  • Check whether your router supports bridging mode, which is essential to support multiple devices.
  • You need Google's Nest WIFi router too, along with your required Nest WiFi points.

Hardware Connections

To connect your existing router hardware to your Google Nest WiFi, simply follow these steps:

  • Connect your existing router to your modem using an ethernet cable.
  • Connect the Google Nest WiFi router to your existing WiFi router using an ethernet cable.
Hardware Connections

Note that doing this the other way around Modem to Google Nest to the existing router wouldn't work while relaying internet connectivity.

Now that we have established the necessary hardware connections between the Google Nest systems and the existing router, they need to communicate with each other.

Set Up Your Routers

The first step is to set up your network between your existing router and Nest router.

Since mesh networks/bridging modes aren't natively enabled out of the box by any router, you need to first enable that by going into the router settings.

To enable bridging mode on your existing router, simply follow these steps:

  • Go to your router gateway settings.
enter your router's login portal by visiting its IP address

This can be accessed by connecting to the WiFi signal from your phone or laptop router. Alternatively, you can connect an ethernet cable to your laptop.

Then from the browser, go to your router's admin website. It varies with different router brands, but it is usually accessed by searching or

  • Input your router username and password.

Do note that this is different from your WiFi password. You can find all information about it on the router's body.

If there isn't any information available, you can head over here which contains default router passwords for almost all branded routers.

  • After you log in as administrator, turn on the DHCP server.
Router Settings

This setting is used to assign IP addresses to devices that join this network.

Different routers have different settings pages, so do skim around. The setting would be typically under a Network Setup or LAN Setup banner.

  • Enable Bridge mode/WDS/Repeater from the settings, typically under a Connection Mode or Network Mode banner.

This should enable bridging mode and pave a medium of communication between your router and Nest WiFi.

Set Up The Google Nest System

In order to properly set up your Google Nest System, you need the following:

  • The Google Nest Router
Set Up The Google Nest System
  • Your Nest WiFi Points. You can add up to 32 Nest points for one Nest router.
Set Up The Google Nest System
  • A smartphone or tablet (iOS or Android). They should be on iOS 13.0+ or Android 6.0+
  • Modem with working internet connection.

To set up the Google Nest router, simply follow these exact steps:

  • Connect the modem to your Google Nest Router. In this case, you have to connect your internet-enabled existing router to the Nest router.
  • Download and install the Google Home app from Android's Play Store or iOS's App Store.
Google Home app tab
  • Open the app and click on the plus (+) icon.
  • Click on Create a new Home to make your own home configuration.
Google Home page
  • Click on the Add(+) option again, and choose the New device option inside the Set up device option.
Google Home add and manage
  • If your Nest router is connected correctly and switched on, it should show up on your Google Home screen.
Nest WiFi searching
  • A QR scanner would pop up. This is used to scan the QR code on the underside of your Google Nest Router.
Google Nest WiFi scan
  • Once connected, follow the steps for naming the room and setting up your password.
Nest WiFi network setup

Doing this will successfully establish your network with the Google servers via the Google Home app. Now to connect the Nest WiFi points, simply follow these exact steps:

  • From the Google Home app, Click on the Add(+) option, and choose the New device option inside the Set up device option.
  • If your Nest WiFi node/point is connected correctly and switched on, it should show up on your Google Home screen.
Set up multiple Nest WiFi
  • A QR scanner would pop up. This is used to scan the QR code on the underside of your Google Nest WiFi point.
  • Follow through with the connection process by tapping Yes when prompted.
Nest WiFi Mesh test

This connects the Nest WiFi point with your Nest WiFi router. You can connect multiple Nest WiFi points based on your requirements.

You can also set up multiple routers instead of one router and multiple points. Each router extends the range by 2200 sq feet and each point extends its range by 1600 sq feet.

Final Thoughts

Final Thoughts

Google Nest WiFi is an excellent mesh WiFi solution that ticks all the right boxes while giving some advanced Google smart home features such as Google Assistant.

Unfortunately, you need the Nest Wifi router for the mesh network to properly function. This renders your existing expensive router useless.

But the Nest WiFi router is pretty well specced for the price you pay for it

If you are adamant about getting WiFi 6, you can opt for the Nest WiFi Pro which supports WiFi 6E.

Its feature set and compatibility with Google Home is its main USP and this is what sets it properly apart from its competitors.

The best thing about third-party routers is that your ISP doesn't own them, so you can easily donate them to someone who is in need of a router. In my case, it was my Mum.

Google's Nest WiFi handles all my tasks like a champ and I am a happy customer.

I hope my article has been fruitful for you to come to a solid conclusion on whether it is possible to use an external router as the main router for Nest WiFi nodes.

Have a good day!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How many Google Mesh can I have?

Google Home app supports up to 5 'homes' per account with one WiFi connection per home, and you can create up to five 'homes'.

Each home can support up to 200 devices.

Is the Google Nest WiFi compatible with Google WiFi systems?

Nest WiFi is backward compatible with Google WiFi systems, and their hardware can be used without any issues on the Nest WiFi.

What is the network coverage distance with Google Nest WiFi points attached?

With only one router, the range is rated to be up to 2200 square feet. With one router and one point, the range is rated to be up to 3800 square feet.

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About Doug Stevenson

Hey! I'm Doug, My passion for tech started by fixing phones and computers for my friends and family.

I started Blinqblinq to give reliable tech advice to anyone who needs it, for free! If you have questions on anything tech-related, feel free to contact me.

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Doug Stevenson

Hey! I'm Doug, My passion for tech started by fixing phones and computers for my friends and family.

I started Blinqblinq to give reliable tech advice to anyone who needs it, for free! If you have questions on anything tech-related, feel free to contact me.

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